"Ask if GAZPACHO is available. If not the QUICHE is always home made. ROOT BEER FLOATS, Mexican Coke Floats, or DRY SODAS are made to order! *GREEK YOGURT or BANANAS ARGENTINE always hit the spot!!"
· Los Angeles, United States
8.2"This sign *IS* hideous. It's like what old people think "art" is but from the 1990's. ugh"
· Los Angeles, United States
7.4"Always ask for a Malibu and pineapple. Great wine selection and excellent home-cooked meals."
Home (private)
· Los Angeles, United States
"#2 Animal style & ask for 2 packets of SPREAD for your fries eschewing ketchup. Chocolate shake is never a mistake with this."
Fast Food
· Los Angeles, United States
9.0"Treasure Island French Toast. Or you're dead to me, shut up."
· Los Angeles, United States
8.0"Say hello to Bruno, the blue pit bull. Crew is pretty cool, too."
Bicycle Store
· Los Angeles, United States