Sevilla travel tips
Bar Alfalfa is one of Sevilla travel tips.

1. Bar Alfalfa

Plaza de la Alfalfa, 10, Sevilla, Andalucía
Bar · Alfalfa · 175 tips and reviews

Tuulia S.Tuulia Ståhle: Nice small bar with good ambience and cheap beer. Quite crowded most of the time.

Alameda de Hércules is one of Sevilla travel tips.

2. Alameda de Hércules

Alameda de Hércules, Sevilla, Andalucía
Plaza · Feria · 95 tips and reviews

SevillaSevilla: The oldest public garden of Europe (1574).Great nightlife, 'tapas' and avant-gard food. Mainly gay friendly district. You can also visit Mercado de Feria, a traditional farmers market. Read more.

Bar Casa Ruperto is one of Sevilla travel tips.

3. Bar Casa Ruperto

Santa Cecilia, Sevilla, Andalucía
Tapas Restaurant · Triana · 33 tips and reviews

Jose María R.Jose María Rufo: Se suele ir a Casa Ruperto a comer codornices y tomar una cerveza. La salsa de mostaza de la casa también está muy rica con los montaditos

Bar Eslava is one of Sevilla travel tips.

4. Bar Eslava

C. Eslava, 3, Sevilla, Andalucía
Tapas Restaurant · San Lorenzo · 280 tips and reviews

DemirDemir: Try "huevo sobre" - (bread,egg and caramel sauce) probably one of the best tapas ever... Carillada is beef with broth-excellent. Finally solomillo del pato is duck meat in 3 pairs. Rioja wine perfect

Santa Cruz Neighborhood is one of Sevilla travel tips.

5. Santa Cruz Neighborhood

(Barrio Santa Cruz)
Sevilla, Andalucía
Neighborhood · 35 tips and reviews

Arely G.Arely Garcia: Bring a map bc U WILL get LOST!!!!

Café Jazz Naima is one of Sevilla travel tips.

6. Café Jazz Naima

C. Trajano, 47 (C. Conde de Barajas), Sevilla, Andalucía
Jazz and Blues Venue · San Lorenzo · 24 tips and reviews

Anna I.Anna Ivanova: A ver nice and cozy jazz bar, a perfect place to chill out with friends and a glass of wine!

Sierpes Street is one of Sevilla travel tips.

7. Sierpes Street

(Calle Sierpes)
C. Sierpes, Sevilla, Andalucía
Road · Alfalfa · 14 tips and reviews

SevillaSevilla: Su nombre, dice la leyenda, proviene de la serpiente que deboraba niños y moraba por las alcantarillas. La calle fue un brazo más del río Gudalquivir y se remonta al s XII su actual alineación. Read more.

8. Pilate's House

(Casa de Pilatos)
Plaza de Pilatos, 1, Sevilla, Andalucía
Museum · 41 tips and reviews

The TelegraphThe Telegraph: This is a merchant’s palace dating from Columbus's time but adapted later into an appealing blend of Moorish, Gothic, Renaissance and 19th-century architecture. Admission eight euros, open 9am-7pm.

Casa Rafita is one of Sevilla travel tips.

9. Casa Rafita

Marqués de la Mina, 11 (Miguel Cid, 84), Sevilla, Andalucía
Tapas Restaurant · San Lorenzo · 21 tips and reviews

Angel B.Angel Barbero: Imprescindibles: carne con mojo picón, berenjenas con miel y salmorejo, y el mantecado.

Contenedor is one of Sevilla travel tips.

10. Contenedor

C. San Luis, 50, Sevilla, Andalucía
Mediterranean Restaurant · San Julián · 78 tips and reviews

Janner P.Janner Partridge: Don't be in a hurry but the wait is worth while. Great great food and friendly staff. Why go somewhere that has photos of food (dodgy) when you can watch the food being cooked.

Seville Cathedral is one of Sevilla travel tips.

11. Seville Cathedral

(Catedral de Sevilla)
Av. de la Constitución, Sevilla, Andalucía
Church · Santa Cruz · 197 tips and reviews

Samuel B.Samuel Bowles: Beautiful. Don't miss the poll bearers of Columbus' coffin or the view from the top of the Giralda (bring your Camera!) Read more.

Dos de Mayo is one of Sevilla travel tips.

12. Dos de Mayo

Pl. de la Gavidia 6, Sevilla, Andalucía
Tapas Restaurant · 115 tips and reviews

Peter H.Peter Halvarsson: Really good tapas in a genuine environment. As always, solomillo al whiskey is a given hit.

The Giralda is one of Sevilla travel tips.

13. The Giralda

(La Giralda)
Plaza Virgen de los Reyes (C. Alemanes), Sevilla, Andalucía
Monument · Santa Cruz · 106 tips and reviews

Roberto J.Roberto Juárez-Garza: Amazing views of the Sevilla from atop the tower. Bring your best lens along.

Habanilla Café is one of Sevilla travel tips.

14. Habanilla Café

Alameda de Hércules, 63
Bar · Feria · 4 tips and reviews

BlancoBlanco: Mítico. De los pocos cafés con solera que quedan en Sevilla. Agradable por la tarde y muy ambientado por la noche. Buen rollo en general.

La Cacharrería is one of Sevilla travel tips.

15. La Cacharrería

C. Regina, 14, Sevilla, Andalucía
Café · 129 tips and reviews

Anna M.Anna Mayer: Excelente café, ambiente agradable

La Carbonería is one of Sevilla travel tips.

16. La Carbonería

C. Levíes, 18, Sevilla, Andalucía
Music Venue · 71 tips and reviews

Juyeon L.Juyeon Lee: Amazing traditional flamenco can be seen here for free! Just need to purchase a drink.

Las Columnas is one of Sevilla travel tips.

17. Las Columnas

Alameda de Hércules, 16, Sevilla, Andalucía
Tapas Restaurant · Feria · 44 tips and reviews

paeterpaeter: Pidete un serranito!!!

Los Coloniales is one of Sevilla travel tips.

18. Los Coloniales

Pl. del Cristo de Burgos, 19, Sevilla, Andalucía
Tapas Restaurant · Alfalfa · 162 tips and reviews

MigueMigue: The best restaurant for eat in Seville, Cheap and good food."Solomillo al whisky" is the best plate

Metropol Parasol is one of Sevilla travel tips.

19. Metropol Parasol

Pl. de la Encarnación, Sevilla, Andalucía
Monument · 173 tips and reviews

Arthur C.Arthur Carl: Metropol Parasol with its extraordinary flowing structure (Las Setas) marked Seville in Top-listed Contemporary Architecture Cities Landmarks.

Monasterio de Santa María de las Cuevas is one of Sevilla travel tips.

20. Monasterio de Santa María de las Cuevas

C. Americo Vespucio, 2, Sevilla, AL
Art Museum · Triana · No tips or reviews
Museum of Fine Arts of Seville is one of Sevilla travel tips.

21. Museum of Fine Arts of Seville

(Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla)
Plaza del Museo, 9, Sevilla, Andalucía
Art Museum · Museo · 44 tips and reviews

The TelegraphThe Telegraph: This former convent is an appealing and under-visited art museum. Its strength is a collection of Baroque Spain painting by Velázquez, El Greco, Zurbarán and Murillo and its peaceful cloister gardens.

Museo del Baile Flamenco is one of Sevilla travel tips.

22. Museo del Baile Flamenco

C. Manuel Rojas Marcos, 3, Sevilla, Andalucía
Museum · Alfalfa · 69 tips and reviews
Ovejas Negras is one of Sevilla travel tips.

23. Ovejas Negras

C. Hernando Colón, 8, Sevilla, Andalucía
Spanish Restaurant · Santa Cruz · 329 tips and reviews

Tertulia AndaluzaTertulia Andaluza: A great new addition to the gastronomic offering in #Seville. For a great atmosphere, different selection of modern tapas and funky decor, visit Ovejas Negras Tapas.

24. Palacio de la Condesa de Lebrija

C. Cuna, 8, Sevilla, Andalucía
History Museum · Alfalfa · 14 tips and reviews

The TelegraphThe Telegraph: An extraordinary little museum adapted from a 16th-century palace 100 years ago by the Condesa de Lebrija to house her collection of Roman mosaics and sculpture.

María Luisa Park is one of Sevilla travel tips.

25. María Luisa Park

(Parque de María Luisa)
Av. María Luisa, Sevilla, Andalucía
Park · Sur · 92 tips and reviews

Marchello A.Marchello Atlanta: This park reminds me of Byant Park in NYC

Spain Square is one of Sevilla travel tips.

26. Spain Square

(Plaza de España)
Av. de Isabel 'La Católica', Sevilla, Andalucía
Plaza · Sur · 294 tips and reviews

Marisa C.Marisa Corley: Built for the 1929 exposition, the plaza's four bridges represent the four states that banned together to create Spain. Each province is along the side in ABC order and busts of important people above

San Lorenzo Square is one of Sevilla travel tips.

27. San Lorenzo Square

(Plaza de San Lorenzo)
Sevilla, Andalucía
Plaza · San Lorenzo · 19 tips and reviews

SevillaSevilla: Películas rodadas aquí | Movies filmed here: Flamenco de amor (2002), In the name of God and King (2009), Sueños (2011)

Plaza Nueva Square is one of Sevilla travel tips.

28. Plaza Nueva Square

(Plaza Nueva)
Pl. Nueva, Sevilla, Andalucía
Plaza · Arenal · 58 tips and reviews

DavidDavid: The info center has free Internet with computers.

Royal Alcazar of Seville is one of Sevilla travel tips.

29. Royal Alcazar of Seville

(Real Alcázar de Sevilla)
Pl. del Triunfo (Patio de Banderas), Sevilla, Andalucía
Palace · Santa Cruz · 262 tips and reviews

MauriceMaurice: Don't miss the stunning underground Baths of Lady Maria de Padilla, which can be reached through a corridor in the Garden of the Dance.

Taberna Coloniales is one of Sevilla travel tips.

30. Taberna Coloniales

C. Fernández y González, 36 (C. García de Vinuesa), Sevilla, Andalucía
Spanish Restaurant · Arenal · 162 tips and reviews

Hendrik v.Hendrik van Oosteren: Is this a Foursquare hype? This is not real Seville, it seems to be more like McTapas? It's busy and the waiters are pushy, we would not recommend it, go to a real tapas bar d

Torre del Oro is one of Sevilla travel tips.

31. Torre del Oro

P. de Cristobal Colón, Sevilla, Andalucía
Monument · Santa Cruz · 64 tips and reviews

Itours ComunidadItours Comunidad: It was part of the city walls. Covered by golden tiles, it could be seen from far away. Visit it listening the free audioguide by Read more.