With their warning about Lord Voldemort's return scoffed at, Harry and Dumbledore are targeted by the Wizard authorities as an authoritarian bureaucrat slowly seizes power at Hogwarts.
Morgan's Ln (The Queen's Walk), London, Greater London
History Museum · 56 tips and reviews
Filmsquare: Harry and his protectors, lead by Prof Moody, fly down the starboard side of HMS Belfast in the beginning of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007).
Filmsquare: Professor 'Madeye' Moody, Harry Potter and their companions fly their broomsticks under Blackfriars Road Bridge in the beginning of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenx (2007).
Filmsquare: Harry and his protectors, lead by Prof. Moody, fly under Southwark Bridge in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) on their way to Sirius Black's safehouse.
Westminster Bridge Rd. (Victoria Embankment), London, Greater London
Bridge · Waterloo · 115 tips and reviews
Filmsquare: Harry and the enforcers from the Order fly under Westminster Bridge on their way to Grimmauld Place in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007).
Filmsquare: In Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix (2007), Harry and his band of protectors fly past the riverside windows of the Palace of Westminster on their way to Grimmauld Place to meet with Sirius.
Claremont Square (Amwell Street), London, Greater London
Plaza · Clerkenwell · 2 tips and reviews
Filmsquare: Harry, Moody, Nymphadora, Kinglsey and Elphias land in Claremont Square, opposite the meeting place of the Order of the Phoenix in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007).
Filmsquare: Harry and Mr Weasley pass through Westminster Underground on their way to the Ministry of Magic for Harry's court case in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007).
Police Station · Westminster · 19 tips and reviews
Filmsquare: Harry Potter and Arthur Weasley enter a red telephone box on the corner of Great Scotland Yard and Scotland Place to access The Ministry of Magic in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007).
Rail Station · King's Cross · 307 tips and reviews
Filmsquare: Harry, with his protectors, crosses the old walkway in King's Cross Station and meets with his Godfather Sirius who talks to him about the order in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007).
Filmsquare: Glencoe Cottage were used again as the location of Hagrid's hut in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) when Dolores Umbridge visits him and threatens his position at Hogwart's.
Filmsquare: The lakes of Blenheim Palace were used for a brief scene in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) in which Harry looks into Prof. Snape's memories and sees him being bullied by James Potter
Filmsquare: Harry and Dumbledore's Army fly Thestrals over Canary Wharf on their way to The Ministry of Magic to save Sirius Black in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007).
Filmsquare: An entire prop railway station and stretch of track was laid in Black Park for filming of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) for scenes of Hogwart's students arriving and leaving.