Coffee, beer and food

1. The Basement English Pub

R. Paul Hering, 35, Blumenau, SC
Gastropub · 186 tips and reviews

Fabricio K.Fabricio Kannenberg: Curly Fries e uma cerveja artesanal e a dica! Lugar Fantastico!

Spitzbier Bar & Choperia is one of Coffee, beer and food.

2. Spitzbier Bar & Choperia

R. Uruguai, 111 (Rua Chile), Blumenau, SC
Beer Garden · Ponta Aguda · 25 tips and reviews
Butiquin Wollstein Garten is one of Coffee, beer and food.

3. Butiquin Wollstein Garten

Alameda Rio Branco, 91 (Rua Sete de Setembro), Blumenau, SC
Dive Bar · 51 tips and reviews
Diekneipe is one of Coffee, beer and food.

4. Diekneipe

Tabajara Tênis Clube, Blumenau, SC
Bar · No tips or reviews
Moitilas Bar is one of Coffee, beer and food.

5. Moitilas Bar

R. Sta. Quitéria, 107 (Rua 2 de Setembro), Blumenau, SC
Dive Bar · 19 tips and reviews

6. Barmazen

Av. Nereu Ramos, Timbó, SC
Pizzeria · 1 tip

Joanna B.Joanna Boaventura: A melhor pizza de Timbó! Adoro de filé nhammmm :)

Park Blumenau is one of Coffee, beer and food.

7. Park Blumenau

R. Alberto Stein, 215, Blumenau, SC
German Restaurant · Velha · 43 tips and reviews

Lesther S.Lesther Santoro: Ambiente agradavel, comida exelente, atendimento exemplar.

Funiculi Funicula is one of Coffee, beer and food.

8. Funiculi Funicula

R. Hermann Hering, 532, Blumenau, SC
Italian Restaurant · 58 tips and reviews

Marcio H.Marcio Haskel: Um dos melhores restaurantes de massa de Blumenau! Dica: Gemelli Alla vodka -> Divino!

Confeitaria Cafehaus Glória is one of Coffee, beer and food.

9. Confeitaria Cafehaus Glória

R. Sete de Setembro, 954, Blumenau, SC
Café · 165 tips and reviews

Denis B.Denis Budag: Almoço bom e barato. Café Colonial e ambiente gostoso!

Dona Hilda is one of Coffee, beer and food.

10. Dona Hilda

R. Antônio da Veiga, 440, Blumenau, SC
Coffee Shop · Vila Nova, · 110 tips and reviews

Denis B.Denis Budag: Torta de coco com um bom café clarinho é a melhor pedida!

Mortadella Ristorante & Pizzeria is one of Coffee, beer and food.

11. Mortadella Ristorante & Pizzeria

R. Nereu Ramos, 385, Blumenau, SC
Italian Restaurant · 27 tips and reviews

Dani C.Dani Camargo: As pizzas são muito boas! Destaque para Brasileiríssima, que utiliza carne seca, queijo coalho e manteiga de garrafa. A de funghi tbm é ótima. O atendimento deixou a desejar neste dia.

Moinho do Vale is one of Coffee, beer and food.

12. Moinho do Vale

R. Porto Rico, 51, Blumenau, SC
Brazilian Restaurant · 65 tips and reviews

Ana H. T.Ana H. Tanko: Melhor hackpetter da cidade! Buffet nos finais de semana, excelente!

Baggio Pizzeria e Focacceria is one of Coffee, beer and food.

13. Baggio Pizzeria e Focacceria

R. Sete de Setembro, 250, Blumenau, SC
Pizzeria · 69 tips and reviews

Denis B.Denis Budag: A melhor pizza a la carte de Blumenau e região! Read more.

Restaurante Frohsinn Extra Gut is one of Coffee, beer and food.

14. Restaurante Frohsinn Extra Gut

R. Gertrud Sierich, 940 (Mro. do Aipim), Blumenau, SC
German Restaurant · 18 tips and reviews

Rafael S.Rafael Schleuss: Ótimo lugar para um jantar romântico. A vista da cidade é show.

Estação Eisenbahn is one of Coffee, beer and food.

15. Estação Eisenbahn

R. Bahia, 5181, Blumenau, SC
Brewery · Salto Weissbach · 123 tips and reviews

César P.César P.: Peça pela degustação dos quatro tipos de cervejas: Pilsen, Dunkel, Pale Ale e Weizenbier. E não esqueça de visitar a cervejaria e conhecer o processo de fabricação da Eisenbahn.

Bierland is one of Coffee, beer and food.

16. Bierland

R. Gustavo Zimmermann, 5361, Blumenau, SC
Brewery · Itoupava Central · 41 tips and reviews

Breno T.Breno Trautwein: Amigos em Blumenau, rota da cerveja. Segunda parada: melhor pale ale do vale - bierland

Abendbrothaus is one of Coffee, beer and food.

17. Abendbrothaus

R. Henrique Conrad, 1194 (R. Henrique Conrad, 1194 - Vila Itoupava), Blumenau, SC
German Restaurant · 9 tips and reviews

Rodrigo C.Rodrigo Canova Oliveira: Boa comida típica! Recomendo para quem quer experimentar algo típico da região !

18. Padaria Benkendorf

R. São Paulo, 1638, Blumenau, SC
Bakery · 167 tips and reviews

Lucas N.Lucas Negri: Pão com queijo e bolinho de carne na chapa. #top

Trivela Futebol Society is one of Coffee, beer and food.

19. Trivela Futebol Society

R. São Paulo, 3150, Blumenau, SC
Soccer Field · 15 tips and reviews
Hausbier Bar is one of Coffee, beer and food.

20. Hausbier Bar

R. Caetano Deeke, 103, Blumenau, SC
Bar · 12 tips and reviews
SanduBob is one of Coffee, beer and food.

21. SanduBob

R. Paraíba, 265, Blumenau, SC
Sandwich Spot · 21 tips and reviews
El Burrito is one of Coffee, beer and food.

22. El Burrito

R. São Paulo, 1280, Blumenau, SC
Mexican Restaurant · 58 tips and reviews
Bier Vila is one of Coffee, beer and food.

23. Bier Vila

Parque Vila Germânica, Blumenau, SC
Bar · 129 tips and reviews
Porão Comedy is one of Coffee, beer and food.

24. Porão Comedy

Av. Pres. Castelo Branco, 671 (Subsolo), Blumenau, SC
Pub · Centro · 89 tips and reviews
Pepper Jack is one of Coffee, beer and food.

25. Pepper Jack

R. Joinville, 148, Blumenau, SC
Burger Joint · Vila Nova · 147 tips and reviews
Babilônia Gastronomia & Cia is one of Coffee, beer and food.

26. Babilônia Gastronomia & Cia

Shopping Neumarkt (Piso Superior), Blumenau, SC
Restaurant · 70 tips and reviews
Restaurante Figueira is one of Coffee, beer and food.

27. Restaurante Figueira

R. Mariana Bronnemann, 527, Blumenau, SC
Steakhouse · 131 tips and reviews
Don Peppone is one of Coffee, beer and food.

28. Don Peppone

R. Sete de Setembro, 2013, Blumenau, SC
Pizzeria · 66 tips and reviews
Água Doce Cachaçaria is one of Coffee, beer and food.

29. Água Doce Cachaçaria

R. Antônio da Veiga 390, Blumenau, SC
Central Brazilian Restaurant · 34 tips and reviews
Espetinho de Ouro is one of Coffee, beer and food.

30. Espetinho de Ouro

R. Amazonas, 2597, Blumenau, SC
Brazilian Restaurant · Garcia · 32 tips and reviews
Na Moita is one of Coffee, beer and food.

31. Na Moita

R. Joinville, 365 (R. General Athur Koehler), Blumenau, SC
Steakhouse · Vila Nova · 87 tips and reviews
Ristorante Nonna Conceta is one of Coffee, beer and food.

32. Ristorante Nonna Conceta

R. Eng. Paul Werner, 936 (em frente a Eletro Aço Altona), Blumenau, SC
Italian Restaurant · 81 tips and reviews
Churrascaria Ataliba is one of Coffee, beer and food.

33. Churrascaria Ataliba

R. Porto Rico, 77, Blumenau, SC
Churrascaria · 77 tips and reviews
Rancho da Dinha is one of Coffee, beer and food.

34. Rancho da Dinha

R. Prom. Ribeiro de Carvalho, 269 (Rua Benjamin Constante com Rua Theodoro Holtrup), Blumenau, SC
Seafood Restaurant · Vila Nova · 31 tips and reviews
Tartufo is one of Coffee, beer and food.

35. Tartufo

Shopping Neumarkt (Praça de Alimentação), Blumenau, SC
Italian Restaurant · 78 tips and reviews
China in Box is one of Coffee, beer and food.

36. China in Box

R. Sete de Setembro, 2680, Blumenau, SC
Chinese Restaurant · Centro · 23 tips and reviews
Goodies Pastéis is one of Coffee, beer and food.

37. Goodies Pastéis

R. Joinville, 21, Blumenau, SC
Pastelaria · 22 tips and reviews
Trattoria Di Mantova is one of Coffee, beer and food.

38. Trattoria Di Mantova

Al. Rio Branco, 833, Blumenau, SC
Italian Restaurant · 9 tips and reviews
Gasthof Bier Park is one of Coffee, beer and food.

39. Gasthof Bier Park

R. Alberto Stein, 415 (Anexo Parque Ramiro Ruediger), Blumenau, SC
Brewery · 10 tips and reviews
Restaurante Internacional is one of Coffee, beer and food.

40. Restaurante Internacional

Al. Rio Branco, 318, Blumenau, SC
Chinese Restaurant · 13 tips and reviews
Tropical Banana is one of Coffee, beer and food.

41. Tropical Banana

Rua Sete de Setembro, 1213 (Praça de Alimentação), Blumenau, SC
Juice Bar · 28 tips and reviews
Pão Dourado Panificadora e Confeitaria is one of Coffee, beer and food.

42. Pão Dourado Panificadora e Confeitaria

R. Frei Estanislau Schaette, 686, Blumenau, SC
Bakery · 43 tips and reviews
Posto Tigrão is one of Coffee, beer and food.

43. Posto Tigrão

Marginal Oeste, Balneário Camboriú, SC
Fuel Station · 13 tips and reviews
Lübke Garten Café is one of Coffee, beer and food.

44. Lübke Garten Café

R. Mal. Deodoro, 480, Blumenau, SC
Café · 9 tips and reviews
Vale das Trutas is one of Coffee, beer and food.

45. Vale das Trutas

Rua Tifa Paes, 1100, Rodeio, SC
Fish and Chips Shop · 23 tips and reviews

46. Ristorante Nonna Conceta

R. Eng. Paul Werner, 936 (em frente a Eletro Aço Altona), Blumenau, SC
Italian Restaurant · 81 tips and reviews

Marlon S.Marlon Souza: Ambiente aconchegante, ótimo atendimento e um rodízio de massas farto e saboroso. Sem falar na massa doce com banana e canela e o pudim de leite. Recomendo.

Kebab is one of Coffee, beer and food.

47. Kebab

Rua São Paulo, 443, Blumenau, SC
Sushi Restaurant · 2 tips and reviews
Baviera Bierhaus is one of Coffee, beer and food.

48. Baviera Bierhaus

R. Frei Estanislau Schaette, 1839, Blumenau, SC
Beer Store · 12 tips and reviews
Restaurante Thapyoka is one of Coffee, beer and food.

49. Restaurante Thapyoka

Praça Hercílio Luz, Blumenau, SC
Restaurant · 41 tips and reviews
Onkel Cafehaus is one of Coffee, beer and food.

50. Onkel Cafehaus

R. Pedro Zimmermann, 2512, Blumenau, SC
Coffee Shop · 17 tips and reviews