Must. Eat. Here. Santa Cruz area.
Linda's Seabreeze Cafe is one of Must. Eat. Here. Santa Cruz area..

1. Linda's Seabreeze Cafe

542 Seabright Ave (btw Hall & Watson), Santa Cruz, CA
Breakfast Spot · Eastside · 36 tips and reviews

Rocky F.Rocky F: Tell Tex and Claire that Rocky and Jean sent you.

The Buttery is one of Must. Eat. Here. Santa Cruz area..

2. The Buttery

702 Soquel Ave (Branciforte Ave), Santa Cruz, CA
Bakery · Eastside · 47 tips and reviews
Lillian's Italian Kitchen is one of Must. Eat. Here. Santa Cruz area..

3. Lillian's Italian Kitchen

1116 Soquel Ave, Santa Cruz, CA
Italian Restaurant · Eastside · 30 tips and reviews

Rocky F.Rocky F: If it's too crowded, get your name and cell phone number on their list and then go down the street to the Crepe Place for a drink.

Taqueria Agave is one of Must. Eat. Here. Santa Cruz area..

4. Taqueria Agave

427 Capitola Ave, Capitola, CA
Burrito Restaurant · 6 tips and reviews
The Picnic Basket is one of Must. Eat. Here. Santa Cruz area..

5. The Picnic Basket

125 Beach St, Santa Cruz, CA
Restaurant · 48 tips and reviews

Rocky F.Rocky F: Try the Frittata Panini. It's awesome.

Jack's Hamburgers is one of Must. Eat. Here. Santa Cruz area..

6. Jack's Hamburgers

202 Lincoln St (Cedar), Santa Cruz, CA
Burger Joint · Downtown Santa Cruz · 21 tips and reviews