Spanish Restaurant · Glockenbach · 29 tips and reviews
Fernando Gallego: I am Spanish and this place is very good, they have great quality Spanish products and it's not so expensive and it's worth giving it a try, you will be surprised by the ibéricos table and the ham
Spanish Restaurant · Haidhausen-Süd · 13 tips and reviews
Ewald Josef Tratzmüller: Meine Favouriten sind: Gambas & Papas Arrugadas & Jamon SerranoSuper Freundliche Bedienung & Ein gefühl wie im Kurzurlaub in Spanien - Schade das der Abend irgendwann wieder zu Ende geht!
Spanish Restaurant · Universität · 18 tips and reviews
Stephan R: Nice tapas bar. Not that authentic but the food is good. I missed a little bit the "chungo" flair, that you can find in order some patatas bravas y pimientos and you gonna feel good...salut