Very cute secret garden type shops. The two main clothing stores are expensive but quality. Small stands selling a range of products (bags, hats, post cards, and etc.) Vintage furniture and garden.
This concept store, which includes a small coffee shop, was originated by a bunch of creatives coming together and is truly unique in its own kind... Read more
"Federica and Co” is the life project and dream come true of Federica Barbaranelli, an Italian based in Madrid, who transformed her passion of travelling into a furniture brand: “Urban Antique"
Mágico jardínescondido en medio de la ciudad con pequeñas tiendas donde puedes encontrar flores, antigüedades, perfumes, ropa, regalosvintage... Perfecto para inspirarse.
Una casa de dos plantas con patio-jardín que vende antigüedades, moda, accesorios, perfumes de autor, repostería, arreglos florales… Todas las firmas de los corners han sido escogidad con sumo cuidado Read more
No dejes de ver la ropa infantil de jullieta by Marta Corsini. Si quieres llevar a tus hijos con un toque diferente y elegante no dejes de pasar a ver los diseños que tienen.
A magic garden located in one of the most beautiful areas of Madrid. Our passions are antiques, vintage and everything that enlightens our imagination at home.