I enjoyed the family mall the few times I walked around. There is a nice grocery store attached as well with the best of everything. It is as nice as and actually nicer than most malls in Texas.
The Iraqis love malls, and Erbil is swimming in them. This is one of te biggest ones and has just about everything there is to looks for in Erbil. Worth a visit :)
Well , OK , very nice , big mall , the food is tasty there , but the clothes & shoes prices , OH MAN , very expensive , but who cares ! HAVE FUN , cheers
family mall = istanbuldaki avm ler. Tuketim cok guzel. Lcwaikiki, defacto ve atasayin para bastigi yer.Guzel hos bir mekan bide herkesin turkce bilmesi ve mado da oturup kahve icmek te ayri bi guzel.
Family Mall güncel nüfusunun %107 sini türklerin oluşturduğu (Ülkedaş özleyenler bkz.) arka tarafında family fun adında luna parkın olduğu (aile dışında girişler kişi başı 1.000 IQD) alışveriş merkezi