Evan W. • February 28, 2015A beautiful and large cathedral with a humongous stones carved statue. Worth going just to see the architecture m
Elke • August 9, 2013Take the guided tour (in English at 11h & 17h)! If you understand the Spanglish of the guide, you'll learn a lot of interesting things :)
Zaragoza Turismo • July 24, 2012It is the first totally Renaissance palace of the city and the most important civilian construction of the 16th century in Aragon. There are temporary and interesting exhibitions!Next to the Town Hall
Zaragoza Turismo • December 7, 2012En una de las plazas con más encanto del casco histórico de Zaragoza se encuentra esta iglesia barroca, te animas a conocerla?? http://bit.ly/TOtko4
Zaragoza Turismo • October 9, 2012La Iglesia de San Miguel es una antigua construcción románica ampliada por una nueva mudéjar en el siglo XIV. Iglesia vinculada a la reconquista de la ciudad.
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