Anastasia I. • November 8, 2013There is a nice small museum right after the main gates, where the history of the cemetery is shown.
あみすけ鹵 • December 20, 2017紅茶メニューを拡充したコンセプトショップ。横浜元町店限定のティーメニュー12種と、紅茶に良く合うティーフードを展開。店名にある「 &TEA 」の「 & (And) 」は “様々な事柄を、そして次へとつなぐ言葉”として想いをこめています。
Jöran B. • January 13, 2010Great selection of sports at this the oldest country club in the Kanto area.
Rue. S. • July 23, 2021横浜生糸検査所 (本舎は横浜第二合同庁舎の低層部として復元) の建物群を利用した複合施設。BRICK South は 1926 年築の附属倉庫事務所で歴史的建造物。BRICK North は B 号倉庫、WHITE は C 号倉庫をそれぞれ新築復元したもの。
Donchan K. • May 11, 2014We went to eat lunch with my familly in Mother's Day. I like Medium Maple syrup.
Peter P. • March 2, 2019This is a pleasant tea shop where you can enjoy authentic Asian teas and very sweet that they provide free with your tea order. There are many books about Asia printed in Japanese.
jansen c. • January 25, 2017Decent room, good view of the city, nice staff and breakfast, 25 mins to downtown by train and half the price. I will be back again.
Yuri E. • June 3, 2010Excellent place to enjoy oysters and good o'le gumbo in reasonable price. Good for dine out w/ friend, date and even just a casual dinner with family.
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