Lena H. • April 13, 2014A great area to stay in Budapest. Lots of nice cafes and shops around, good transport hub, close to everything.
We Love Budapest • October 19, 2012The 11-kilometer-long route of Children's Railway intersects beautiful, foresty excursion sites. All duties concerning the railways operation are taken care of by children.
David K. • August 5, 2013Start by the fountain and the music!! Then rent a bike with the kids. Remeber swimsuit and go to the " Palatinus Strandfürdő" for the hole day. Bring water, own food and things for a picnic
We Love Budapest • April 11, 2013It's been running since 1987. The height difference between the first and last stop is 260 meters. We like it a lot since it goes through some of the most beautiful parts of Budapest.
sylvain r. • July 26, 2016Don't rent a car at Sixt, Vaci ut. They will ask you to pay for damages that where already there. They make me pay for a damage on the passenger door that I can't have done. I was alone all the time !
Eniko C. • April 23, 2015A csövesek az Árkád aluljáróját használják wc-nek, és itt a legtöbb lejmoló/perc
BankiTamas.hu #LinkedinByTamas • April 15, 2014Szep megallo, kicsit barkacs megoldasokkal, kivalo P+R
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