Afi Y. • July 21, 2015Was here for Osheaga last summer. Beautiful park and a fairly well-organized festival. The train takes you right to the park, but be mindful of the crowds at the end of the day!
Reinaldo C. • May 9, 2011Close to Robert Burn monument is the best spot to take a sun bath around 5pm during the summer
Akshay P. • July 8, 2012The show starts at :30, every hour from 7 pm to 11 p.m. during the summer. It builds up slowly, so be patient!
JulienF • October 1, 2012Magnifique parc linéaire dans le Vieux-Port de Montréal, très bien aménagé / design, avec vue sur la Tour de l'Horloge et le Fleuve Saint-Laurent. C'est notre version du high line new yorkais !
georgiana • April 24, 2010Watch out for Dave
Adrian G. • August 1, 2012Awesome park! Lots of rides, friendly people. Best park ever. Worth the fast pass Gold. Don't get the platinum no need!! Love La Ronde
Rob B. • October 8, 2011Wrestle with homeless people, get beat up by drunk angry youths, and listen to pregnant cats fight! Oh.. And it's a nice park during daylight hours. Very quiet, nice benches! Read a book!
Alexandre C. • August 13, 2012Authentic little park with plenty of older immigrant Chinese playing games.
Pierre-Luc C. • September 3, 2012Parc avec patinoire qui possède des installation permanente. Roller hockey et un sport de vélo polo y est joué l'été. L'hiver, une glace est aménagée. Aussi court de basket, pateaugoire, aire de jeux.
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