Thomas v. • September 1, 2017By summer 2017, this is no longer the massive comic shop you see in most of the 2013 pictures, it's a small corner store that sells lots of merchandise and figurines, and some Spanish-language comics.
Thomas v. • September 1, 2017This is one of two comic shops in Valencia that has a modest but decent section of English-language comics; stocking some TPBs and recent USA releases. ("Metropolitan" has back issues and some TPBs.)
Thomas v. • September 1, 2017This is one of two comic shops in Valencia that has a modest but decent section of English-language comics; Metropolitan stocks some TPBs and back issues. ("Gotham" has actual recent USA releases.)
Jorvaor V. • January 4, 2016Buen sitio para buscar números atrasados de colecciones manga de los noventa y principios de los dosmil.
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