Cole T. • November 16, 2018Home of the Washington Monument, a gorgeous & serene park, cobblestone streets, beautiful architecture (the Methodist Church in particular). One of the best neighborhoods in Baltimore.
Greg M. • December 5, 2011I feel very lucky living less than a block from this cool little Park, one of the main selling points of the neighborhood, many people walking dogs, kids playing and the occasional performance...
Jeannette W. • February 19, 2017Great having this good weather to kick start my walking for exercise!!
Amy A. • September 23, 2013The best park in the city, imho. Beautiful, big, lots to do, plenty of shade trees, you really can't go wrong.
P Brad P. • November 14, 2017Parker Studio of Structural Sculpture, 1115 West Lanvale St., Lafayette Square, Harlem Park, West Baltimore
Jonathan K. • August 25, 2014The dancing fountains and they often have festivals here. Lots if food trucks!
Cole T. • April 3, 2019Awesome park with a great loop to friendly, kid friendly — baseball field in the back and a public pool in the middle.
Amnesty International B. • December 2, 2010Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.
sandi c. • June 9, 2013Sundays and Tuesday free concerts in the park ,what's not to "like" !!
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