Tyler S. • February 9, 2011It's faster to run down to 2nd South/1300 East area for food than to go to the union
Sean W. • March 5, 2012If you have any web or media questions, talk to the guys at Polevault Media
Clayton B. • September 3, 2011It's a great place to be as long as you're not parking. The lot across from from the Institute is the last free splot nobody knows about tool now.
Andrew F. • November 3, 2010Chimichanga day on wednesdays... It's amazing!
Cheapism • November 13, 2013The perfect place to stay for University of Utah events. Hotel provides a complimentary breakfast. Read more: http://www.cheapism.com/p/cheap-salt-lake-hotels.mhtml#ixzz2kY48Gy9J
Ryan • February 1, 2011The 20 oz soda machine on the first floor will change your dollar for quarters that you can use on all the other broken vending machines in the building!
Antonio G. • February 12, 2013This building is confusing... Choose another class in a nicer building.
Dennis F. • June 30, 2011Don't take a class from Joergen Bro. It's easy, but he just talks for 90 mins 2x/week. Zzzzz....Zzzzz
Derron B. • June 22, 2011The Center for American Indian Languages consists of Fort Douglas Building 618, both A and B. The main office is in A. If the door is locked, ring the doorbell or knock loudly as people may be upstair
Rhet W. • October 28, 2013If you're in another building on campus, you're pursuing the wrong degree.
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