Purplelabnyc • July 27, 2010Such a great boutique with the best brands. Ask for Ashley, she’s the best!
lucy • April 27, 2010Go to lucy.com and sign-up for the lucy list to get e-mails about upcoming in-store promotions, sales and new arrivals.
Elizabeth R. • June 15, 2016Great selection of unique hilarious greeting cards; mindfully curated clothing & intimates; gorgeous beauty & bath products; and home of the "F U" middle finger embroidered sweatshirt. I will be back!
TLOV • November 6, 2010excellent for half off beautiful designer wear. be a sticky card member for extra benefits
BeGood Clothing • July 23, 2014BeGood Clothing launched their own organic clothing line just about a month ago. Check out our new products! www.begoodclothes.com
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