THE Z WORLD Z. • September 3, 2016Cars on display are Ferrari, Mercedes, Ford, A Delorean and much more. You have to give a $5 donation which goes to a kids charity. So don't stop at $5
Norma J. • August 10, 2010My son loves to go here. Always interesting and educational for kids of any age, even parents :)
Kellogg Garden Products • August 4, 2011The Kellogg House, now located here and part of the museum, is where Kellogg Garden Products' founder H. Clay Kellogg was born. The house was originally located at the corner of Orange and Walnut in S
Anne • February 18, 2010Sign up for email newsletter; have gotten half price and free tickets this way.
Martin D. C. • April 13, 2016Kids play here! Few things for kids to run around and do silly things. Smaller than I expected, but to kids it might be the best place ever, especially when some kids decided to horde all the toys.
Roxanne R. • October 9, 2013Magnificent California Impressionist paintings that will move some to tears from its remarkable beauty! The music playing in the background was divine, perfect to enjoy these paintings!
eric b. • December 27, 2022Awesome new building to check out with a interesting, if small, collection. Look forward to seeing the museum grow.
Erica B. • December 6, 2011Take the stairs near the Drama building and towards CyberA and you'll end up right at CAC3100B
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