Mascom Store • June 12, 2018Pozivamo sve ljubitelje Električnog Orgazma da dođu na druženje i promociju Mascom store u petak 15. juna od 13 do 15 časova. Povod je izlazak novog albuma Električnog Orgazama „Gde smo sad?“.
Beril K. • January 2, 2019For who loves rock music and beer. It's cheap, music is good,tea is good, small but nice place.
Murad G. • May 31, 2018Got my our-of-print ACT vinyls at discounted prices 🙏 right in the heart of thecity
Murat Ş. • January 9, 2022This an underrated place, really good archive of vinyls, the owner is a great guy, he helps about records. While we were digging crates he offered us a home made apple brandy. I love this place
Zarko S. • February 18, 2018Imaju odličan izbor. Kupio sam Yamaha električni klavir P115, postolje L85 i pedale LP5. Cene sve tri stvari su bile identične kao u Americi što me je prijatno iznenadilo. Veoma sam zadovoljan.
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