久保田 . • May 16, 2015世界最高な日蓮大聖人の思想にもとずいて創価学会は世界の平和と個人の幸せを願っている世界最高な団体です、その良さを多くの人に啓蒙する機関紙、聖教新盤があります、袋井市諸井では外部の人に新聞啓蒙したら彼は感激して記事を額にれて飾りました。
Japan Culture Agency Inc. (JCA) • February 7, 2012Akagi Shinto Shrine, located here in the 16th century. This Shrine was recently redeveloped with a new shrine and apartment complex.
Alo T. • June 14, 2017👏👏👏new sensation of the Japanese anime movie "your name". Super peaceful and quite place, and close to Shinjuku. A cool place to hangout if u into the movie
Alessandro M. • April 5, 2015A small Shinto shrine in the heart of the city! Nice contrast between skyscrapers and old temples.
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