Lana C. • April 9, 2017One of fav places in Tokyo. Beautiful park- worth a visit and picnic here! Closes at 4:30
James W. • July 6, 2013Not the best place to visit in the middle of a heat wave, but a great selection of plants and flowers to look at.
Michael M. • May 19, 2015Lovely park to hang out. Visit the main Shrine, one of the most beautiful in Tokyo.
Cian O. • September 18, 2017Great view of Fuji on a clear day from north observatory. Great view of the city at night! It's also FREE!
Ъ 🇦🇺🇪🇺🇷🇴🇲🇩🇮🇱 • December 15, 2016Great view of Tokyo from above. And it's free, hey!
Korrina D. • June 4, 2018The best gardens I’ve been to in Tokyo so far. Lots of shade and lovely neat grass to rest on.
Mimi • July 24, 2015A beautiful clean park with trimmed hedges and trees, there's not many flowers though. The grass is a bit hard when you sit on it without a picnic mat. Check out the green house too!
Yao X. • July 9, 2016期間限定スカイ パラダイス ビーア ガーデンで肉グルメ、プロシュート(生ハム)、サルシッチャ(腸詰め)、ブラックアンガス牛のステーキ、魚介のフリット、バックリブステーキ、飲み放題付きコース4500園は超お得
Juan B. • April 15, 2016Lovely rooftop garden on top of OIOI - great place to chill when the weather is nice.
Minoru U. • April 1, 2017毎朝、四谷から市ヶ谷まで歩く途中に立ち寄ってます。テニスコートと野球場がありますが、壕の底にある所為か、冬でもあまり風が強く吹くこともなく、快適にウォーキングできる気がします。
TT _. • December 3, 20232023年10月のリニューアル拡大オープンにより千駄ヶ谷エリアと霞ヶ丘エリアができ霞ヶ丘側の旧霞ヶ丘アパート跡には個性豊かな「3つの広場」と「誇りの杜」からなる公園となる。千駄ヶ谷側は東京体育館などがある。
Yiğit Y. • December 3, 2023Sigara sadece böyle alanlarda içilmeli. Normalde kokusundan rahatsız olmuyorum ama sigarasız ortam öylesine güzeldi ki alıştığımız için rahatsız olmuyormuşum belli ki. Artık koku burnuma vuruyor
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