😎 Mariann F. • July 6, 2013Ennél a mosdónál még az is kulturáltabb ha egy bokor mellett intézed el a dolgod...
Anette • May 27, 2014An excellent hotel. Has been awarded by TripAdvisor in 2013, and I see why. The neughbourhood is beautiful, and the public transportation is quite close. The staff is friendly and speaks English well.
Bence P. • July 28, 2016Jó kis Gazdagréti tér ,108 ,8E Újpalota fele valamint Kelenfold fele 153 Neumann Janos u /154 Ujbuda kozpont , 139 Szell Kalman ter
Szabolcs S. • June 26, 2011the stand point B-)
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