Fernando T. • February 27, 2016One of my favorites in town: Repin, Savrassov, Rublev... Magic.
Denis M. • March 29, 2018Amazing collection of works by impressionists. Matisse, Monet, Picasso. And a lot. Very fresh modern museum
Stevi Q. • May 13, 2016Amazing and mind-blowing. Overwhelming collection of art and stunning building.
Nikolay L. • March 29, 2018Absolutely great - nice facilities, great exhibitions, right in the centre of the city.
Dima G. • January 4, 2017Cool exhibitions, which put you into Soviet setting. A lot of insight on Russian history. Also plenty of sofas to relax it charge your phone.
Sankt Peter C. • July 6, 2013Memorial Museum of poet Anna Akhmatova. Museo en Memoria de la poeta Anna Akhmatova. Tuesday - Sunday, Martes a Domingo 11 am - 6 pm.
Łaine Ę. • August 15, 2017Hidden gem. Top 5 museums in Peters
Anton T. • November 22, 2012The apartment where Pushkin lived at the time of his death in a duel. To get in you need to join a Russian-language tour or buy an audio guide.
Stanislav P. • December 13, 2015Really interesting stuff!
Вероника Б. • June 18, 2015У нас в городе появился новый музей - музей специй. Очень достойный! Три зала, экскурсии, кафе и небольшой магазинчик. Не проходите мимо :)
Brian T. • July 8, 2013This place is awesome! Love the Soviet-era video games. Primitive, yes, but also super fun!
Nadine • June 22, 2016Great collection and many interesting things to see! But every explanation is written only in Russian! There should be translation in english, since this js supposed to be a museum for everyone!!
Estè R. • July 14, 2015Don't bother buying a guidebook. It's almost of no use. There are some English information at some of the displays, that will give you a better idea than the guidebook.
Dmitry J. • September 5, 2018Super cool must visit place!!!
N R. • February 19, 2019One of FMD’s apartments. Who likes his writing masterpieces, he will enjoy visiting places where he was living and working.
K M. • May 5, 2012Stuffed polar bears and penguins, and arctic exploration equipment. What more could a little boy or girl want?
Olga K. • June 12, 2017Прекрасный музей с шикарным пространством и интересной экспозицией. Но всё впечатление портит бардак в гардеробе и адски хамская кассир!
Dmitry D. • July 25, 2012http://www.rustelecom-museum.ru/?lang=en - official site. Russians thinks that Popov invented first phone. Not Markoni. Proove it
Stefano P. • May 28, 2019Quite small museum but interesting, with some original rockets and parts. Unfortunately only few panels have English translations. Pity...
Ана Л. • August 23, 2019Best one is in General staff building accessible from square (no need to enter the museum and go through security).
Nastya B. • December 2, 2018Большое спасибо создателям, за такой необычный музей! Маленький, уютный, интересный и занимательный)
Ekaterina M. • January 8, 2015Весьма славный музей, особенно интересна вторая часть экспозиции о житье-бытье Петербурга в XIX - начале ХХ века. Много интерактивных экспонатов, в том числе музейные смотрительницы.
Светлана А. • September 30, 2018Сладкий музей на мой взгляд это больше площадка для прикольных селфи. Бочки с кремом и наушники в виде сладких пончиков. В целом забавное место, поднимает настроение.
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