Paula R. • June 25, 2018Cute street full of nice bars!
Mustafa A. • May 8, 2012Кофе с видом на казанский собор от 60 руб.))
Анастасия Ш. • June 23, 2018Очень много уточек и зелени. Рядом старинная усадьба Уткина дача, но пока на реконструкции
Spotted by Locals - city guides by locals • November 13, 2013This short pedestrian street is a pure concentration of wish-making items: “Clock” fountain, a monument to the photographer Karl Bulla and Elisey, the cat and his kitty Vasilisa.
Stefan L. • November 15, 2016Architecture, history, island, landscape, views, air, you can expirience everything on this microworld separated by wooden bridges from rest of the city. You won't miss this once you're in town.
Larissa F. • October 3, 2015Opens from 1:30 to 2:30am and again 3:10-4:30am (depends on how many boats will pass, so on summer it stays open longer). Very cool! Also possible to take a night cruise to see it
Leandros N. • August 14, 2017It's just a bridge really
Aleksey • October 1, 2016During navigation period you can see bridges breeding at night
Filmsquare • June 16, 2013On the north-side of the Large Stables Bridge, James Bond faces-off with some Russian jeeps in his stolen tank in Goldeneye (1995). The tank was a T-55 mocked up with armour to look like a T-80BV.
Aleksey • October 1, 2016During navigation period you can see bridges breeding at night
Gelpme • February 7, 2012The Bridge of Kissing is famous because of legends. The legend says there was tradition to kiss everyone you meet on this bridge no matter of age, sex and aquaitance. Russian variant of Free Hugs.
Sicilian O. • August 21, 2014Оригинальный способ разведения моста. В прошлом веке был единственным в округе и открыт по пропускам только для рабочих. Сейчас он с вооруженной охраной и открыт только для ж/д сообщения.
Alexey S. • July 11, 2013Летом с моста открывается один из лучших видов в городе. Русское Монте-Карло!
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