Leo Z. • August 16, 2011Very nice river-side of the Main river, perfect place to grab another dirnk, go to the water and enjoy the sunset.
Sergej • June 5, 2015The road bridge Untermainbrücke connects the area around main station ("Bahnhofsviertel") on western side of Frankfurt to Sachsenhausen (Home of cider) and merges into well known Schweitzer Straße.
Alex R. • September 27, 2011The Museumspark is perfect to relax between the museum visits or just to take a time out of your busy citylife
Dspn L. • May 16, 2021Best park during quarantine times. You can buy refreshers, alcohol at the Museum, even some special food.
Sergej • January 6, 2016Right besides the church Deutschordenkirche you will find the Frankfurt Icon Museum in the former refectory of the Deutschordenhaus. Lots of christian-ortodox #icons to admire! Visit both! Must see!
Best Western Central Europe • August 17, 2011This quarter South of the city centre is famous for its bars and Applewoi (apple wine) restaurants! Don´t miss this regional specialty.
Leo Z. • August 16, 2011A very nice square in the South Borough of the city. If you're going to Sachsenhausen, you may not to pass it.
R P. • September 1, 2011Hier findet einmal im Jahr das Stadtteilfest Sachsenhausen statt.Nette Liegewiese nebendran, am "Alten Friedhof"
Sergej • January 6, 2016Der Diesterwegplatz befindet sich direkt vor dem Frankfurter Südbahnhof in Sachsenhausen und ist nach Moritz Diesterweg, dem Verleger von u.a. Schulbüchern, benannt. Jetzt weißt Du es!
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