Andres C. • October 27, 2011Don't forget movies are organized by country/director on 1st fl and by genre in basement
Dominic D. • April 8, 2011Really huge videotron, but since there was an ownership change, the employee's mood really hit the pooper =/ Bad new owner they've got. At least it closes late.
Marie C. • August 17, 2011Superbe boutique de jouets abordables pour petits et grands... Ma boutique coup de coeur sur les Promenades Masson! l'endroit idéal pour dénicher un cadeau pour enfant ! :)
Elijah Zu B. • September 4, 2011New Releases Movie Rentals - Nouveautés, Films en Location. 2 @ 8.99$. 3 @ 11.99$.
Antoine G. • August 27, 2012N'achetez pas d'iphone chez Bell ou Virgin (que la source revend) car impossible a unlocker, même en payant l'opérateur. Go Telus ou Fido en face
Ian T. • March 5, 2012If you need some batteries or a plug or any kind of A/V gadget, this is the place.
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