Miriam • March 23, 2016Nice and helpful staff, best notes in a city, they sell really beautiful things for everyone. Mainly I loved handmade wrapping papers from India and cool notebooks.
Lada 🦕 • December 30, 2011Ačkoli to nevypadá, tak vám tu i vytisknou dokumenty. Trochu oldschool, ale milé. Po - Pá 9.00 - 17.00.
Aneta L. • March 6, 2013Fully serviced and furnished offices and equipped meeting rooms.Do you need a place for your work or your meetings? Do you prefere to use your own office a few days a week? Lease FLEXI office.
Joey • June 14, 2013Discount coupon for printing! http://www.diplomka24.cz/_userfiles/prilohy/10010/10016_slevenka_diplomka24.pdf
Tomas S. • May 16, 2013Na svázání bakalářky nebo diplomky ideální místo, ochotný personál, velmi příznivé ceny a hlavně kvalitní zpracování se 100g papírem jako standard. Budu-li někdy ještě něco vázat, rád se sem vrátím.
Ben E. • June 19, 2022New concept from the people who brought us the Hemingway Bar in old town. Good cocktails, nice setting.
Lenka S. • July 21, 2020They are existing about a year, presenting small CAVA wineries, tapas in the evening, rich breakfast in the morning, staff is lovely!
TBN T. • March 15, 2013The most beautiful place to work. Space filled by happy coulours, bricks, models and nice people! Luv it!
Jaroslav H. • October 4, 2016Raději zde nenakupovat. Špatná zkušenost s reklamacemi viz. článek
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