Citra A. • November 25, 2010This Subway is super windy especially in the autumn. Grip yer ticket tight, or it will gone with the wind! :D
David L. • February 23, 2011Vyzkousejte vyborne pecivo ve vestibulu metra... Rembrant... proste vyborne a vzdy cerstve.
Fabrice C. • April 23, 2014At florenc I recommend French garden, a soup and dessert place ... with juice and quick lunch ... it is just delicious there
Petr N. • September 11, 2014Pojud chcete mít pohodovou cestu, je dobré si promyslet, kde nastoupíte.
Mark B. • April 28, 2013Station design straight from the workshop of Communist-era architect planning the set for a dystopic horror film to take place in the year 1966. Concrete overpass oddly area's most aesthetic feature
Jack S. • June 28, 2024Only 1 of 3 metro stations that interchange with other lines on the whole network. Here, change between Line A and C.
Egman • September 16, 2014Come here in the morning for some free donuts from Finance minister of Czech rep (valid only before elections, though)
Khaled ☤ • July 29, 2015One of the good stations with shops and mini-markets. You can head towards Florenc station by transferring here from A to B.
Lukas K. • January 20, 2011Dobiti OpenCard tu trva vetsinou ani ne minutu. Zadne fronty. A moznost platit kartou.
Khaled ☤ • July 29, 2015One of the good stations with shops and mini-markets. You can head towards Florenc station by transferring afterwards at either line B or C.
Iggy • June 12, 2013Take a walk to the Vysehrad and you will be greeted by beautiful parks, cosy restaurants, and amazing views.
Amit G. • September 20, 2015Nearest metro station to reach the dancing house. KM piazza at the exit/entrance is quite good. The station is not wheelchair enabled. So carry you prams.
Olga N. • June 12, 2012Great park right by metro. 3real good pizzerias in the area,5mins walk from the station
Peaman • December 2, 2018プラハ城最寄りの地下鉄駅。ただここから城へのルートはかなり急な坂道なのでご注意。さらに城に入るセキュリティチェックのレーンが少ないので長蛇の列。城の帰りには使えるかなと。
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