Veronika • November 17, 2015Best location but time stopped here in 80's - cardio zone is small and old. Aerobic or spinning is great and it would be nice if they invested in new equipment, showers and floors 😔
Sophie S. • February 25, 2011Nice hotel in good location. Public areas currently being renovated. Suites are really spacious. I would stay here again.
Tez • August 15, 2014Fajn cvičení pro nejmenší děti. Fronta na výtah do 5.patra (až 15 min čekání!), v létě v tělocvičně nesnesitelné vedro, absence přebalovacích pultů, kočárky na nezastřešené a nezamknuté terase.
Alexandr S. • November 23, 2013There is nothing better than private fitness center in your house. Just bought membership.
Stephen H. • August 1, 2013Great new style gym that is all about functional fitness - strength, stamina, flexibility etc.. Had a session with Martin, English speaking trainer who really knows his stuff!! Enjoy :-))
Vojta B. • February 13, 2016Málo kdo by čekal prostornou halu v cca 300m od Václavského náměstí, navíc ve třetím patře. Doporučuju vyhrát poločas, ať nemusíte na "taktickou poradu“ dolů do šatny a zpět.
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