Alexander K. • March 23, 2019Spacious park, great for leisure and sports. Frisbee golf, minigolf, great beer in Pavlovin restaurant, even a grilling spot! Highly recommended.
Martin B. • August 14, 2012Ráj pro pejsky! Hodně ploch pro aport, zeleně a košů na exkrementy. Napříč parkem vede cyklostezka, občas projíždí chlupatí na kole nebo na koni. Uklízejte po sobě!
Jana A. Kri • January 29, 2017Absolutely beautiful park, which is a part of Prague Botanical garden. Recommend a visit in late spring, when peonies are in bloom.
Petr V. • July 12, 2015Voda v kaskádě je sice chemicky ošetřená, ale v letních dnech je žádanou a skvělou možností pro příjemné osvěžení.
Jana A. Kri • February 19, 2017One of the best parks in Prague - so spacious and green, with a shopping mall on one side and outdoor "gym" on another. Nice option for a warm summer day, good for picnics. Futuristic vibe.
Jana A. Kri • April 10, 2017Incredible park with one of the best views in Prague 5. One side - peaceful, with a playground and green area, another -urban, with a rustling street below.Cross the bridge and find yourself in a mall
Martin K. • June 9, 2012Paradni park jehoz pohodu kazi jen neukazneni pejskari s vadou zraku... nectou nevedi a stejne sve cokliky pousteji navolno :(
D Š. • June 1, 2016You could enjoy czech beer and see The Prague Castle. Fair enough! Dont forget to give you bottles to hobo
Vladimír B. • July 26, 2013Pred mnoha lety to bylo drevene hriste, kde bylo plno hracek a 2 brouzdaliste. Postupem casu se z toho stal prazdny parcik...
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