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Suggestions for Historic and Protected Site near Panthéon, Paris

    • 8.4
      Historic and Protected Site
      49 rue Monge (Rue de Navarre), Paris
      • Dave

        Dave • June 2, 2018Once a bloody Roman battleground, today a hidden playground. Instead of people playing pétanque, you can imagine the gladiators dueling in front of you. 👍🏼👎🏼

    • 9.1
      Historic and Protected Site
      Place du Panthéon, Paris
      • Dennis B.

        Dennis B. • February 8, 2020This trip might have limited usefulness, but: during a heat wave (2019 — brutal!), the Panthéon is the chilliest place to take a load off and cool down.

    • 8.1
      Historic and Protected Site
      20 rue de Poissy, Paris
      • Francois P.

        Francois P. • May 1, 2012Recently renovated (2008) it is a beautiful and rare Middle Age building ; originally built around 1250 to accommodate the Cistercian religious students at the University of Paris

    • 7.4
      Historic and Protected Site
      1 Place Alphonse Laveran, Paris
      • Andrei B.

        Andrei B. • March 12, 2010La petite rue a gauche de l eglise quand on la regarde est de toute beauteeee

    • ?
      Historic and Protected Site
      5 rue Descartes, Paris
    • ?
      Historic and Protected Site
      Place du Panthéon, Paris
    • ?
      Historic and Protected Site
      Place du Panthéon, Paris
      • Robin B.

        Robin B. • August 19, 2021Final resting place of Voltaire, Hugo, Zola, Braille, Marie and Pierre Curie, to name just a few famous French people buried here.

    • ?
      Historic and Protected Site
      3 Rue de Clovis, Paris
      • Anne-Sophie L.

        Anne-Sophie L. • March 27, 2012Les vestiges du Paris médiéval (1200-1215)

    • ?
      Historic and Protected Site
      • Andrea C.

        Andrea C. • May 20, 2014Ernest Hemingway lived in this house for almost 5 years. This is enough!

    • ?
      (Chapelle de la Sorbonne)
      Historic and Protected Site
      19 Rue de la Sorbonne, Paris
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