Miloš • September 28, 2017Get to know modern Sicilian artists, great paintings of life back in the day and history
Joon K. • June 16, 2018One of the must visit in Palermo. 8 euros(adult) for guide tour. (30 mins - English speaking guide tour, too)
Sicily Tourism • June 27, 2011Teatro Politeama is one of the great theater in palermo, it was made on 1865. The theater is located in the historical centre of the city.
Katie K. • July 25, 2019Great bistro, good food, nice outside area, they bring you snacks with your drinks!
Antonello P. • November 2, 2011Live concerts, lounge bar, open places where to chill and take a drink. The place was once a church and it's possible to see the architecture.
Silvia G. • August 23, 2017Un luogo sempre piacevole dove tornare per ascoltare e vedere i vostri artisti preferiti, meglio se dalle prime file!
Tony S. • September 15, 2011Stai alla larga da Frankie Fiume perché mi ha fregato la mayorship e ora mi fa antipatia! :P
Piero P. • December 19, 2012Ci son tante belle commedie e spettacoli fatti da noti attori e attrici del panorama nazionale
Paola L. • March 20, 2017Bellissimo teatro 🎭 moderno interiormente con tavolini e sedie molto chic Open bar.
Matteo S. • June 23, 2012...strepitoso!!!! Da provare antipasto Poseidon e come primo le fettuccine alla brontese (ai coriandoli di Bronte)
Marco B. • November 25, 2012Ha un sacco di birre e tutte le bottiglie che dopo aver girato tutta Palermo ho trovato il Vov!!
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