Kris C. • February 8, 2016The giant gundam out front is the draw. Go to the basement level to find the snack shop with an assortment of Japanese flavored kitkats!
Rob C. • March 24, 2018Great store with a nice range of products. Helpful and polite service in Japanese and English.
M • October 30, 2012Come here for the great view of the rainbow bridge and laid back atmosphere. If you have kids, great place for the shops, Legoland Explore, Sega Joypolis and a multitude of game arcades.
Casey L. • September 5, 2014Good selection of current popular Japanese toys for little kids not much in collectors area. I was looking for the sushi robots and they had all of them. So I am happy.
Josep B. • January 5, 2016Vintage and old school atmosphere. The place is great for nostalgia lovers of japanese pop culture
Akina A. • March 16, 2019こんがり焼きは甘くてしっとりしてて食べやすい。プレーンとチョコフレーク入りのものと混ぜることができるのが嬉しい(^^)ソフトクリームと合わせるとさらに美味しさ倍増!!
つじやん@底辺YouTuber • May 16, 2019モバイル用コンセントのあるイートイン12席あります。トイレはお店入って右側に男女共用1つあります(2019年5月16日(木)現在故障中)。たばこ販売しています。喫煙ルームあります。店番26503。
Melissa G. • November 21, 2019Nice location. This is a pretty large H&M, not as big as the one in Shibuya, but still a great selection.
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