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Suggestions for Taxi Stand near Nob Hill, San Francisco

    • Category icon
      Taxi Stand
      San Francisco
      • Seva L.

        Seva L. • September 27, 2010Good stand if you're first or second cab. These people are pretty good about not giving away airports to limos.

    • ?
      Taxi Stand
      555 California St (btwn Montgomery & Kearny), San Francisco
      • Graham H.

        Graham H. • August 16, 2012Do yourself a favor and call an Uber.

    • Category icon
      Taxi Stand$$$$
      120 Willow St, San Francisco
    • Category icon
      Taxi Stand
      San Francisco
    • Category icon
      Taxi Stand
      Drumm st (Sacramento st), San Francisco
      • Seva L.

        Seva L. • September 21, 2010Best cab stand in the city. We got Hyatt Regency, Embarcadero Centers, Bart, Amtrak Bus, traffic from the ferries... Always something happening. Totally dead after midnight, though.

    • Category icon
      Taxi Stand
      611 Folsom St, San Francisco
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