Vytautas J. • March 20, 2012Today this church is the living center of culture. Cultural events often take place in this church, which is renowned for its acoustic qualities.
Kipras B. • December 15, 2015It's a very nice and religious place. Huge saint painting. Must see in Vilnius!
Dimitar . • May 15, 2016Masterpiece of the architecture
Explore Vilnius • April 15, 2011Probably one of the oldest churches in Vilnius and Lithuania. The church was first mentioned in 1387. Behind the building you will see the statue of St. Christopher, patron saint of Vilnius.
Maïté A. • April 27, 2013J'ai ressenti un moment de grâce particulier dans cette basilique... Effet style russe byzantin? Ou par son origine mythique attribuée à une femme? ;)
Vytautas J. • March 20, 2012After the 12 o'clock mass on Sundays, the church hosts concerts of religious music and contemplation. Music is performed by famous Lithuanian musical groups, organists, and soloists.
Вова В. • January 22, 2014Никольская церковь. На стене колокольни – изображение князя Александра Невского. Удивительно красивая церковь. Оригинальность архитектуры и цветовой гаммы, красота, которую не передать словами.
Dmitry Z. • October 28, 2013Свечки, купленные не у них - неправославные, их ставить нельзя.
Carl G. • November 28, 2015Wonderful pink dome.
Amaury J. • April 21, 2017It isn't no Notre Dame, but it's still worth a visit. We got to go during mass and it was an experience. Simple but yet historical cathedral in the center of Vilnius.
Aistė K. • April 30, 2014Sužadėtinių kursai - puikios, naudingos ir išliekamąją vertę turinčios paskaitos. Einam su malonumu!
Carl G. • November 28, 2015Wonderful silver domes.
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