Laura B. • March 30, 2013I absolutely love our season passes. One Great, inexpensive date night planned almost every month for the whole year.
Jessica J. • September 2, 2011Check out the SSS group ...they are an amazing bunch of people. They offer lots of free services and trips!
Lynn T. • August 8, 2011If you're going to take Mass Media Law, take it in the summer with Dr. O'Neal. Seriously, it's super easy and you get it over with in a month. He's actually pretty funny and easy going.
Jacob B. • September 1, 2011DSB is the science building closest to the KUC, not to be confused with the Wiser Patten science building which is the big scary building you can see from Peck Hall.
Liz M. • August 30, 2012The lounge chairs fill up quick but hey they have Good a/c !
Vanderbilt University • September 8, 2011Work/Life Connections-EAP is located in basement; valuable benefit for faculty & staff. Great lending library on topics from relationship issues to raising kids to dealing with drug/alcohol problems.
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