Kim L. • October 28, 2012Breakfast buffet service begins everyday at 8AM. Grab the paper and enjoy some after your workout!
Rachel K. • July 9, 2017Use the pool between the two hot tubs. They call it the "Water Experience Area" and it has multiple chairs with jets and bubbles. Very fun.
Jo • April 21, 2019Nice spa and fitness place. They have several separate rooms for pool, courses, weights and cardio. Not all of them have windows but the aircon is doing a good job.
Alina J. • April 25, 2013The TECHNOGYM appliance is state of the art! Bring your IPod/Iphone and connect it to the appliance. You also get free drinks, towels, fruits and headphones! Best Hotel Gym I've ever been to!
Fuyuhiko T. • July 23, 2023Sauna2室、水風呂も2つ(7℃台、16℃台)有り。外気浴は無いが休憩はできる。ロッカーの鍵を入り口でかざしたところが開始時間で、支払機にロッカーの鍵をかざしたところまでが利用時間。これまで新橋といえばアスティル一択だったが、これで一応選択肢は増えた。
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