Dan C. • January 12, 2019You deserve to be a success after making this steep ascent, you’ll be feeling it
Tracy L. • January 24, 2023winter illumination is quite enjoyable, beautiful lights and animation with nice music, good for photos and take a stroll around the area. https://t.co/SLxRjxD1oq
John H. • June 7, 2023Halal Ramen Toribushi is a halal ramen restaurant in Ueno and Okachimachi, Tokyo that serves delicious and authentic ramen made with a rich, slow-cooked chicken
Timofey G. • December 17, 2015Nice green island in central Tokyo with great view on Tokyo-tower, right next to huge temple
Nicolas R. • February 20, 2015Run on the Rainbow Bridge it's possible and you'll get a beautiful view of Tokyo bay
James H. • October 15, 2018Beautiful, peaceful. Almost every footstep gives you a different, spectacular, view.
monmin109 • June 15, 2014東京タワー下信号前の公園。東京タワーがよく見えて立ち入り禁止の芝と薔薇などの花が咲いている。(季節によって変わるのかな?)夜に東京タワー展望台から見ると綺麗。Xmasの時期は電飾などの飾りがあったような無かったような…(曖昧)道路沿いに面した方には水辺とベンチがあり木も生茂っているので日差しが強い季節でも割と気持ち良く過ごせる。
Anais R. • October 24, 2013Really good and cheap. 100 years onsen, water full of minerals. 3 baths, hot and cold. Open thu, tue, sat and sun, afternoon
Yoav L. • December 11, 2013Go around the left side of the main temple, up the stairs, and to the hidden tea house in back.
初音航空隊 • February 7, 2012二代秀忠公・六代家宣公・七代家継公・九代家重公・十二代家慶公・十四代家茂公の六人の将軍のほか、崇源院(二代秀忠公夫人)、皇女和宮さま(十四代家茂公夫人)ら五人の正室、三代家光公側室桂昌院(五代綱吉公実母)はじめ五人の側室、及び三代家光公第三子甲府宰相綱重公ほか歴代将軍の子女多数が埋葬されているとの由。
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