Timofey G. • July 26, 20187-8pm probably the busiest time. First Monday of the month is off, so first Tuesday of a month is extremely busy
Kim L. • October 28, 2012Breakfast buffet service begins everyday at 8AM. Grab the paper and enjoy some after your workout!
Rachel K. • July 9, 2017Use the pool between the two hot tubs. They call it the "Water Experience Area" and it has multiple chairs with jets and bubbles. Very fun.
Jo • April 21, 2019Nice spa and fitness place. They have several separate rooms for pool, courses, weights and cardio. Not all of them have windows but the aircon is doing a good job.
Cayo M. • August 3, 2019Tem uma boa variedade de equipamentos mas o grande diferencial é funcionar 24h. Ponto negativo foi ter visto uma barata embaixo do transport.
Alina J. • April 25, 2013The TECHNOGYM appliance is state of the art! Bring your IPod/Iphone and connect it to the appliance. You also get free drinks, towels, fruits and headphones! Best Hotel Gym I've ever been to!
Jesse J. • April 11, 2016This full-feature gym is located on level B2 of the shopping complex abutting the Roppongi metro stop. Membership is pricey (~$200/mo) but the facility is clean and equipment super well maintained.
Riwa S. • September 26, 2018Have been visiting this gym almost daily; muscle training is a must if you are considering a sustainable healthy life style.
東急スポーツオアシス • May 18, 2011プール、フィットネスジム、スタジオを完備しています。天井も高く開放感あふれる落ち着いた大人のためのフィットネス施設です。YOGA・ピラティスの他、ボディケアサロンで皆様のキレイと元気をサポートします。いつでも見学ご案内しておりますのでお気軽にお越しください。
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