syenni g. • March 19, 2015Lengkap segala obat, vitamin, suplemen, alat kesehatan, dgn harga dibawah HET. Jgn lupa tanya harga dr 1 toko ke toko lain bs bisa beda bnyk.
DharmaLa D. • July 13, 2012masiih aja diare, apalagii udah di kantor :(
annisa n. • October 28, 2011Dokter yg gendut,item, rese!! Neken perut kok ky org stress!! **
Lofriman O. • March 2, 2011Klinik dr Lukman Hakim melayani pelayanan Dokter Umum, Dokter Gigi, dan Rehabilitasi Medik / Fisioterapi.
Bridget L. • July 19, 2010Already open early in the morning! So, it will be best to be there as early as we can:)
Oyi K. • February 20, 2013The employees and services are good but the rooms are not as good as BRC Galaxy. Need to improve the room for bekam.
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