Quintain • June 1, 2016Large selection of sport gear in various sizes for various sports. Rearly crowded. Near the Millenia mall.
Bahama Breeze • July 26, 2013As the only Olympic sized-rink around Orlando, this place is great for hockey, skating lessons and birthday parties. Provides a cool relief from the hot Florida summers.
Eric T. • December 20, 2012If you love outdoor gear, you can find some great deals here. However, you must be selective. Warranties r usually voided and not everything is a deal.
Full Circle Cycle • May 23, 2015Complete Service and parts department. Quick turn-around on your repair. Guaranteed work.
Catherine H. • October 13, 2018Fishing (with limits), tennis courts. Lots of tennis courts just make sure there isn’t a tournament or a camp going on. Nice walking/biking/jogging trail.
Howard D. • September 1, 2011Enjoy outdoor playground and soccer fields but fields are rented during the evening around 430pm to 9pm. Also fall flag football for young kids call 4072549025 for more info.
Charley T. • September 1, 2015I got batman receiving gloves for football. So obviously. Happy customer here.
Jonathan T. • October 31, 2016A local gem! Walk to the back for scenic views and access to the orange county bike trail. Love it!
HISTORY • November 2, 2012Built in 1914, this baseball field was renamed in 1923 for Hall of Famer Joe Tinker and has been a key venue for the development of baseball in Orlando.
Brianna B. • May 25, 2016The wifi by the pool works well - perfect work spot if you're coming here for business! The lobby has great spots for working too! Pro tip: work at the bar because they have outlets and drinks!
Joanes R. • March 23, 2014Hotel maravilhoso! Vale a pena cada centavo. Fique atento apenas as opções de apto, tem o simples e o luxo. O luxo é super completo, igual a uma casa.
Donna R. • January 27, 2018Riverdance was wonderful. No bad seats here.
Elijah D. • March 17, 2019Well if your coming here for fun with your kids then go ahead but they ask inside of the “vortex” is you want your kids to go again for 10$ and I didn’t hear it at all.
Yousif D. • December 8, 2015All the jakes look the same lol I guess I'm blend
Jonathan V. • September 16, 2010Awesome course, just don't come here between the hours of 10am and 5pm. Way too hot outside!
Scott E. • February 20, 2013You have to relax,.one day is not like another. Enjoy what's on your buffet and if given the opportunity, enjoy someone elses too.
Victor R. • May 24, 2012If you're looking for a nice place to jog, walk, play basketball or just sit and read a book, this is it...
Elton A. • June 17, 2013All the Villas underwent a much needed renovation from my last stay and I absolutely love it! I am glad I came back!!!
Adriana A. • December 19, 2012Academia completa, muito limpa, equipamentos de ultima geração, informações em vários idiomas. Perfeita eu recomendo
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