Muffin Man • September 18, 2021WHY THERE: gallery, art space, exhibitions. STUFF: interesting venues, check local mass media, sometimes entry's free. LOCATION: mainstream (relatively convenient). PRICES: depends [CUBE MOSCOW]
Tom R. • August 5, 2017Superb exhibitions in this huge museum
ViktoriyaShh • January 5, 2019Одна из самых любимых лекционных площадок Москвы ! Если любите архитектуру, историю и Искусство-вам сюда! Отдельные вишенки на торте,лекции (300/200р)искромётной Елизаветы Лихачёвой (дир. Музея) ❤️
Mehmet Akif K. • November 15, 2014I visited the museum in 2014 November second time. The museum was enriched with the special exhibitions of Lenin/Stalin and World War I... Impressive and wonderful...
Eugene . • November 4, 2017Very good museum
Димэйс • September 22, 2016Крутая выставка фотографий и чертежей дореволюционного Кремля.
Alyona C. • October 26, 2017Loved it, really calm historical atmosphere, you can even meet Tsar , buried but still - Tsar!
Muffin Man • January 13, 2022WHY THERE: small gallery right by the Red Square; check the current exhibitions in advance (sometimes their art is too modern...)
Christina • April 16, 2013Красивые люди, до неузнаваемости отфотошопленная Надя Михалкова, зал с фотографиями красивых интерьеров. Стоит посетить, тем более, что экспозиция небольшая и позволяет прикоснуться к прекрасному)
Marco D. • March 10, 2015A great experience. They give you free audio guides that help a lot. Do not forget to request them!
Juergen B. • January 19, 2019Viva la vida! Current exhibition (until Feb 22nd 2019) on Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera worth paying a visit. Fully in Russian, better to take an audio guide at the entrance.
Daria Z. • March 5, 2015Очень приятное место вообще и для тех, кто работает в БЦ Романов Двор, в частности. Отличные и интересные выставки работ современных российских художников.
Daria Z. • March 27, 2016Очень милое место, достойные выставки, тихо, уютно и безлюдно. Галерист выше всяких похвал
Anna S. • March 21, 2014Режим работы со вторника по субботу с 12.00-20.00, воскресенье и понедельник выходной.
Just Me .. @. • December 3, 2019Don’t miss checking out this 3 floor underground shopping mall. It has Loads of jackets to choose from, Fur to street clothes plus it has Uniqlo which is one of the best casual wear shop you can find!
Michael F. • September 13, 2017Beautiful square with Bolshoi on one site with all great fountain in front and marx watching from across the street
Ben B. • September 4, 2014An amazing library with special collections tucked into hidden corners. Visit the cafeteria in the basement.
Piccololas • November 2, 2015It's a traditional luxury hotel in an art-nuveau building in the heart of Moscow. Better rooms are spacious and generally well-maintained . Breakfast is PERFECT - big fresh buffet with a harp play
Tiffany Z. • October 25, 2015Walking street from the red square to Lubansky Ploshad! Enjoy the cute cafes & shops as well as street entertainment 😌
Jorge H. • November 9, 2015You feel tiny in this place, so impressive and stunning. Mother Russiaaaaa!!!!
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