Moka • December 12, 2015When there's an event going on at Tokyo Dome (concert, baseball game...) the noise from there could completely ruin your quiet time in the park...
L M. • January 15, 2018Right opposite the Imperial Hotel. It is a beautiful park perfect for an evening stroll. We managed to go to the Christmas Market which was mostly a market for European food and drinks.
Francis S. • January 6, 2024Our child loved the park, it's a lot bigger compared to other parks we've been to
𝙻𝚒𝚕𝚒á𝚗𝚊 ✨ • November 7, 2019Beautiful park leading up to Tokyo tower! Best place to take pictures of Tokyo tower and relax.
Dennis A. V. • September 23, 2016Highlights are the Thunder Dolphin roller coaster and the haunted house!
Nao • December 1, 20242022年6月オープン。設計: 三菱地所。2023 グッドデザイン賞受賞。新国際ビルと新日石ビルに挟まれたL字型の細い路地(私有地)を開放し緑あふれるオアシスに。丸の内仲通りから新たな人流を生んだ。
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