Taiowa W. • October 25, 2016Good spot to enter. Can get a little crazy with the traffic light and the gas station. It is about 1.25 miles to the track from there.
Untapped Cities • July 27, 2012Riverpark Farm, run by Tom Colicchio's Restaurant Group, was transformed from a stalled construction site, run by Tom Colicchio’s Restaurant Group. Great views of the city!
John P. • July 21, 2015Tables and chairs are available during the day.
Scott L. • September 3, 2010Ya gotta know someone who lives here to get in but if you do...it's an oasis.
Karen L. • September 7, 2021BSP is going to be renovated by Parks. Construction will begin earliest late fall 2021 or Spring 2022. The park will be closed for 1 year.
Sarah B. • September 18, 2011Quiet, shaded but small sandbox here. Much less busy than any of the other sandboxes nearby.
Ari S. • November 19, 2013Best place to smoke pot on the east side. Everyone is sober, so no sharing!
Dave G. • October 1, 2011Its not as bad as we heard it was. Food wasn't bad, needed some flavoring but not bad. If you go for the views and enjoy yourself. Its a good time.
Reggie J. • July 18, 2011Fri, Aug 12 Liquid Sound Lounge 2011 Summer Boat Party!!! Its during nighttime so grown folks only. On the Half Moon. For more info go to www. Liquidsoundlounge.com
Valentina G. • November 15, 2023Everything costs, including the buffet (>$430) per person. And the fireworks over East River are 👍🏼⭐️⭐️⭐️❣️ I will arrive next time, of course.
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