Audrey A. • April 30, 2010Enjoy its mediatheque for numerous of French books, comics, magazines, romans, etc. You can also borrow their DVD collections, I saw Brice de Nice the other day! Trop drole!
paxonart • October 8, 2013EF English Centers belajar bahasa inggris yang bisa dimanapun.
Rizkia D. • January 3, 2011pertama ngampus d taun 2011 .hihi
Mimi ika K. • May 19, 2010klo mau masuk ke kampus,,jgn pake sendal jepit / celana sobek2 krn pst gak akan blh masuk dan diuber2 sm satpam :p
christina angelia s. • May 11, 2010nice studio, friendly crews, place to meet up with so many good musicians...
muhamad I. • September 26, 2013Build networking • June 3, 2010Computer & Internet Store, IT Solutions, Internet Rent (WarNet). Call 021-7200986, 7250439,7223411,7223413,7223414,7223415 Fax.021-7223412
Ucu S. • November 7, 2012Hmmm... :)
Dessa K. • January 30, 2011I've studied here since 1 year ago. I hope there will be developed
Abee S. • April 15, 2014The training center for Basic Safety Training, Crowd and Crisis Management, Medical First Aid, and so on. Comfortable class room, experienced teachers, and friendly new friends.
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