w m. • January 18, 2017糖質制限をベースにしたお肉レストラン。グラス・フェッド・ビーフ(牧草飼育牛)をシュラスコ方式で提供。ランチはローストビーフ(1000円)一品のみ。オーナー及び店長はグラス・フェッド・ビーフで減量に成功している。
Melissa G. • July 30, 2018By far the best yakiniku I've had in Tokyo!!! The seating is also super comfortable, and the menu has English. It's pricey, but it's worth it.
Aurélien L. • February 19, 2015Awesome beef!!
Vincent T. • February 22, 2014Enji is a small restaurant bar with good food - specialising in smoked food from its own factory. Rice with egg is another favourite. http://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1301/A130103/13122419/
Alex M. • May 13, 2016If you are bored with ramen, sushi, etc.... This is the place to go. Really tasty meat.
Chee Wai W. • October 17, 2019OMG. One of the best BBQ beef in the world!! They only serve A5 Wagyu beef and it's AWESOME. Service is also impeccable too! Make sure you get the Sukiyaki beef!
Andy D. • February 24, 2015Amazing cook-yourself bbq. Some of the best beef I have ever had. There are also a good range of set menus if you struggle to pick or are worried about reading the menu in Japanese. Highly recommended
Fuyuhiko T. • January 30, 2019While shop staffs provide wifi setting instruction, log-in auth is failed, so that WIFI is actually useless. Smorking is allowed.
Janelle J. • August 22, 2014If you like tongue and tongue-based dishes, this is for you?
Damon B. • February 4, 2015Excellent, traditional korean bbq, tucked down a small alley in central akasaka. I wasn't brave enough to try the 'uterus', but the tenderloin, heart, pork belly and scallops were all excellent.
ヤマダ Y. • April 13, 2019予算は1人6千円あれば満足できる。※お酒含む。 uの字までいかないくらいのカウンターのみ。カウンター超えたところにジンギスカン用の鉄板が。初めての方はお姉さんが目の前で焼いて見せてくれ、あとは好きにどうぞ。というスタイル。常にいるので困ったら聞けばいい。とても愛想が良い。鮮度に関しては、さすが北海道本店のお店という感じ。金曜は間違いなく予約しないと入れないので、事前に予約してから行くのがベスト。
Mongolianchop • February 27, 2017Beef tongue and premium filet are outstanding. Eat them with the chopped green onions.
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