Sean G. • February 12, 2015A nice seawall kind of park. Iconic views and interesting area. If you go, be sure to check out the ferry terminal.
Reese W. • October 18, 2014Right on the waterfront so it's pretty and lots of space to sit and rest or run around.
Miyuh F. • April 1, 2016Anchor is a symbol of the Harbor Park. Yokohama is the Bay Bridge, a large pier and a great place as a spot that can be overlooking the red brick warehouses and Landmark Tower,.
Nao • January 8, 2024『りんしのもりこうえん』・・明治33(1900)「目黒試験苗圃」として開業後、「林業試験場」に名称を変更、林野庁の所管となり昭和53(1978)まで使用された後に筑波に移転、跡地を整備し平成元年6月「都立林試の森公園」として開園。公園内には、台風で倒木した木を自然のまま朽ちていく様子を観察できる場所など、都心にありながら自然豊かな素晴らしい公園。『林業研究発祥の地』と刻まれた石碑が建っています。
Chai L. • January 9, 2017A nice park to have a walk enjoy the sunshine and the breeze. Come have a picnic here you won't feel that you're in such a big city!
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