Robert RJ S. • July 27, 2013Check out the Swarovski Café in front of the store on Kärntner Straße. Cute waiter, great drinks, amazing furniture.
ViennaInfo • October 19, 2012The Cartier boutique with its exquisite watches and luxurious jewelry forms the link between the Kohlmarkt and Graben.
Anastasiya . • August 2, 2017Great choice! For sure its a must! Visit sky bar on top floor for a great view! They have a summer terrasse there!
Henri J. S. • February 7, 2012Amazing jewelry for every budget! Get bejeweled, bewitched and bedazzled!
ViennaInfo • October 19, 2012Jewelry of captivating elegance and refinement. Even Empress Elisabeth used to adorn her hair with diamond stars made by Köchert.
Christina L. • August 8, 2013Love it!! New One Schmuck ist schon lange ein treuer und täglicher Begleiter.
Vienna Fashion Night • June 10, 2013Vienna Fashion Night coming soon... Am 13. Juni dreht sich alles um Fashion, Party und Charity. Von 19-22 Uhr bieten alle teilnehmenden Stores tolle Specials - Check it out:
Regine W. • February 21, 2012Bei Steindesign bis 2.3.12 bis zu 30% Rabatt auf Ketten und Edelsteinstränge! Sale up to 30%!
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