Vina O. • March 20, 2013SUDHAMMA MOTOR (Used car - cash or credit) come n visit us..... Best price & good quality
intan t. • August 7, 2014Cozy waiting room at the 2nd floor but sometimes it doesn't smell good, but overall they Hv very comfortable coach to sleep 😍😘😝😁😋👍
Syahgand R. • January 16, 2011T
Om H. • February 13, 2014One HEART.... Honda
Susanna C. • July 14, 2013Cukup baik menanggapi complain...apalagi gw yg complain jarang ada yg bisa bikin satisfied. Sayang kantinnya kalo minggu tutup...gak bisa jajan deh. Untung wifi lumayan...bisa sembari browsing.
Futsalers • February 6, 2013Hunting Motul 3100 Gold 4T + Motul 510 2T..
iCal • May 26, 2010Best Service Quality
Nico O. • June 6, 2012This is your dream car
Andi Z. • May 23, 2010Cuci mobil biar bersih,terima antar jemput mobil,âdǎ poles,âdǎ ketok dan cat body dan âdǎ juga sperpart mabil,lengkap smua ada
Michelle M. • January 4, 2012I love yellow car wash , Must try !!!
Maria R. • November 9, 2013very nice service advisor, P Jumadi, no long que for service without appointment. free snacks for customer. new renovated showroom, thumbs up
Christine H. • February 7, 2013Cuma di sini kita bisa Beli Mobil sambil Refreshing main Billiard.. Ada cafe nya juga... food courtnya juga ada... jadi ga bakal nyesel deeh datang kesini..
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