zzap • September 26, 2014Absolutely incredible hotel, especially the executive lounge / red level (see photo). Staff are exceptional. Probably the best hotel in Jakarta; everything was perfect.
Gorga M. • December 22, 2012Try to come here! You will amaze with 24 angel
Jakarta Badge • March 28, 2012Relax by the lagoon swimming pool and enjoy a cool, refreshing cocktail. The poolside bar is a great place to hang out, chat with other guests and soak up the Indonesian sun.
Farry A. • January 9, 2012Budding musicians or vocalist, record here for free! Ask for Irsan Wallad. :)
Yurina M. • August 12, 2018Love the lagoon styled pool. With various height from 1m to 1.4m. Seperated kids pool and there’s kids indoor playground next to it. Amazing! ❤️
Jakarta Badge • April 19, 2012It is the largest and one of the oldest sport complex in Jakarta, the sports facilities sports complex is also a popular place for Jakartans to do physical exercises especially during weekend.
hakim -. • May 28, 2010book the outdoor greenfield...the air more fresh...more brighter than indoor xD
Sajian Sedap • June 13, 2012#MightyCulinary Festival 2012 - Bazaar Kuliner terlengkap & unik // Minggu, 24 Juni 2012 // Basket Hall ABCD Senayan. Be there!Info lengkap: http://on.fb.me/MCFest2012 :)
Suwanda S. • April 27, 2019Lovely course intersting so much nice and challenging
Angga K. • May 21, 2013Have many soccer field inside, there's badminton and basket ball too. Cozy place to play
Dhany H. • September 28, 2012never forget to swim in this place LoL:D
Willyam J. • December 28, 2013The best gym in Jakarta!
Abshar A. • December 5, 2013Home of the blue jays jakarta! for inquiries come here at thursdays on 3-6pm or satturdays at 7-11 am. Nice stadium for a softball game
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