Ieva A. • May 18, 2016A stunning display of medals and honours from all around the world. It's completely free and open Wed-Sun 1-6pm.
Sang-uk B. • October 14, 2014나폴레옹 무덤은 별도 건물에 있습니다. 1차/2차 세계대전 전시가 재미있고 충실한 편입니다. 한국어 오디오 가이드는 제공하지 않습니다.
Dan F. • March 24, 2017Amazing dioramas in great condition a couple are dusty but really cool
André A. • August 21, 2014Very nice museum, just make sure it doesn't close while you're inside since it does take quite a long time to go through it.
Muire M. • April 12, 2015This is a small but beautiful museum tucked away in the Latin Quarter. We went in on a whim and were delighted! Worth a visit!
Eric D. • April 5, 2010La Fondation Charles de Gaulle “a pour but de faire connaître, en France et à l’étranger, l'action et l'œuvre du général de Gaulle,patrimoine commun de tous les Français.”
Y K. • April 27, 2015It is an amazing world class museum. The Velázquez exhibition I watched today was as beautiful as the exterior of the building. Willing to visit again.
Lefty 6. • October 31, 2012Not really an art museum. Some art, incidental to stories of Leclerc and Moulin (a Free French general, and a resistance icon.) Nice little museum mainly of pix, docs, videos.
Issy M. • January 28, 2013Depending on your interests, if say skip the first few salles of the permenant exhibition. Street art exhibition definitely worth a look!
Sweety S. • August 24, 2018Great collection of arts. Must visit. Even better than Louvre.
Leonel S. • November 2, 2014Top permanent collection and usually great temporary exhibitions. Well designed and a nice café after with a view over the Eiffel tower!
Melforss • March 8, 2015It is so nicely located and the perfect size of a space. Went there to see Impressionism and I could really look at every piece of art without getting exhausted. Less is more!
Markus • April 19, 2015Amazing place! Have been in Empire State Building and it was a great, but this was a special. I recommend to go top of the building! • November 15, 2011Dedicated to respected scientist Louis Pasteur, this place is where you'll learn about his accomplishments, scientific experiments and amazing discoveries. Normal fee: 5€
Julie L. • February 19, 2017Agréable visite guidée sur l'histoire de la parfumerie: fabrication, utilisation à travers le temps, emballage, flacons, tout y est. Et à la fin on sent les parfums de la maison. Le tout est gratuit!
Dylan C. • November 25, 2014A bit creepy but an amazing place to study rarities in both human and animal nature. Cheap entrance fee and filled with only art students; incredible vibe but not for the squeamish!
Andrés M. • August 24, 2024Beautiful church in the Latin Quarter with interesting history (aside from the Dan Brown nonsense), wonderful acoustics and a magnificent organ.
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